She’s so fruitful and bouncy. And really confident with her actions. That block you moved was so powerful. She feels really transformed :)
— Feedback from Izzi's guardian

Tune-in Guidance Session

For further information on this session please click here

DURATION: 60 mins
Pre-session call + Tune-in and reading of your animal friend’s energy field + Channeled reading + feedback (via Telegram)

🎁Available as a gift certificate

I can’t thank you enough. I’m preparing a room with all your channeling in mind. THANK YOU. He’s doing great.
— Feedback from Rupa's guardian

Healing and communication session

This session includes a combination of channeled energy healing, often using relaxing Elsita Sananimal music which animals love, to heal any physical, emotional, or behavioural issues. I will then proceed directly into communication with them, in silence (subject to the animal’s wish to communicate), to enquire what he/she might need to aid healing and enhance his/her wellbeing. I will complete the session by obtaining nutritional advice via bioenergetic feedback.

If you have other pets in the immediate household it is encouraged that they join as they share the living space and can often contribute helpful communication!

ENERGY HEALING                       

This empowering hands-off channeled energy healing (similar to reiki), stimulates the immune system and strengthens the healing process. The healing is performed to the backdrop of Elsita SANAnimal® healing music created specifically for animal healing by Elsita SANA.

Recommended for, but not limited to, illness prevention, any pre- or post-operation or procedure, a relaxing treatment for general wellbeing, alleviating any illness or dis-ease, aiding grief or traumas (e.g. in the case of rescue animals), helpful for senior animals, a supportive treatment for both the animal & carer during or in preparation for passing over.


This involves communicating in silence directly with your animal-friend regarding any specific questions you may have, as well as providing him/her the opportunity to share anything they wish. The aim is to obtain as much information as possible in order to enhance their healing or rehabilitation, lifestyle and general wellbeing.

Communication takes place following the energy healing, subject to the animal's wish to communicate. In some cases, focusing solely on healing in the session may be more appropriate to the animal's wellbeing needs.

NUTRITIONAL ADVICE                  

The use of fresh and organic foods is encouraged as part of a preventative and restorative measure. Bespoke, helpful, lifestyle-easy and budget-friendly tips and recipes are provided.

*A client confidential form will need to be completed by the  pet/animal’s guardian, prior to the session.

Sessions are in person or online
I work locally, nationally, internationally

DURATION: Pre-session call + 60 mins healing session + feedback (via Telegram)

🎁Available as a gift certificate
💡Why not add-on a Natural Herbal Remedy Oils  session

Her energy & vibration is so much more levelled since the healing. Really helped us both so much. Massive turnaround for me & her.
— Feedback from Puddin's guardian

Healing and transitioning session

A loving ceremony for you and your animal-friend as they are laid to rest, during which they (and you) will be held, supported and protected in channeled healing energy as they pass and transition on. This ceremony also involves communication, for you to convey anything you would like to say to them, as well as an opportunity for your animal-friend to express anything they wish.

This session is also available to check on an animal-friend who has already passed over and/or assist them to safely complete their transition should it be required.

This session is via long distance healing
I work locally, nationally, internationally

DURATION: 60 mins + feedback (via Telegram)

Thank you so much for holding us with such love when [...] was transitioning,
and for connecting with him and sharing the message he had for me. ❤️
I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for the message you shared.
— Feedback from a animal-friend's guardian - Dec 2022

Health Kinesiology & Natural Bioenergetics

A bespoke treatment to help bring your animal friend's body back into balance by getting to the root of the issue. 
This non-invasive treatment works with the meridians by opening internal pathways to release internal and external emotional, psychological, physical, and/or spiritual health blockages, in order to balance your animal-friend’s mind, physical body, emotions, soul, spirit, auric field, chakras. It will also help to empower your animal-friend’s relationship with their body and other aspects of their life.

During the first session we will review the confidential animal client questionnaire then, using a surrogate (yourself for example) to 'touch-in’ to your animal-friend’s body I will muscle test (receive biofeedback) to ‘ask’ his/her body - i.e. the blueprint stored within the muscle memory, what it needs in order to heal. I will then begin the healing in the sessions required.

Health Kinesiology can address emotional and stress-related issues, trauma, physical pain, chronic illnesses, food sensitivities, nutrition, lifestyle, biochemical disorders, environmental factors, geopathic stress, and much more.

Sessions are in person or online
I work locally, nationally, internationally

1st session: 75 mins, £75
Subsequent session(s): 50 mins, £65

She’s a very happy cat today.
Lots of purring and eyes closing.
— Feedback from Keema's guardian

natural herbal remedy oils (self-selection session)

Animals in the wild naturally have access to and instinctively know what plants or herbs they need to benefit their diet and health. With domestication and farming, animals seldom have the opportunity to access and receive the vitamins and nutrients required, however they do still hold an inherent ability to select, based on their own individual health needs.

During the session, hydrosols in distilled water and macerated oils mixed in organic sunflower, made-up using freshly harvested organic healing culinary herbs, are offered individually to your animal-friend to allow him/her to self-select according to their dietary and health needs.

If it is the first time trialling the oils, it is highly recommended to include as part of an Energy Healing session in order to instil trust in your animal friend.

🎁Available as a gift certificate

  • 1st session: Up to 90 mins, £75

  • Add-on to the Healing & Communication:
    Up to 45 mins, £35

This session is in person only


  • Oils in session & advice on their emotional and physical healing benefits

  • A sample of your animal-friend's 2 preferred oils

  • Instructions on how to use.

    * 8 clean saucers per animal-friend will be required for use during the session please.

I received detailed advice on diet, messages from my dog and also some specific oils that would help him.
— Feedback from Shasta's guardian

physical therapy massage - Canine and Equine only

Applying light touch, whilst channelling healing energy, this treatment helps to stimulate and maintain the immune system.

It’s a perfect addition to any pre- or post-operation/treatment, as well as for seniors, or dogs experiencing any dis-ease (e.g. arthritis), illnesses, or as a fabulous self-care treatment for your loved four-legged one!

*A consent form will need to be signed by your dog’s vet prior to this treatment.

DURATION: Allow 60 mins
🎁Available as a gift certificate

In person session only

Wow Elsita....amazing work on me and Ken, thank you 💗🐎
— Feedback from Ken's guardian