Zoorefugio Tarqui, Ecuador

In October 2019, an alliance was forged with Zoorefugio Tarqui to help relax and rehabilitate its endangered rescued or orphaned wild animals from trauma caused by illegal wildlife trafficking, deforestation, exploitation for circus, television entertainment and pet trade.

Most species here are brought by the Ministry of Environment and the Environmental Police for rehabilitation or potential release.

During this working trip, nestled within the Ecuadorian Amazon, Elsita SANA alongside Healing Animals Organisation launched Latin America’s first ever research & enrichment program involving animal communication, sensory (using natural plants & herbs), nutritional and mental stimuli to promote emotional, physical and psychological wellbeing. The results were amazing - positive, calming and uplifting!

It is an absolute joy to be working with the Tarquí team - a not-for-profit family business born out of heart for their local environment, and to be continually learning from our two & four-legged friends.

Your help is gratefully appreciated…