+ WHAT IS MUSCLE TESTING? (Natural Bioenergetics / Health Kinesiology)

It is a bio feedback system used to read muscle responses.When under stress, due to a variety of causing-factors, the body will block its internal energy flow causing an imbalance within, that can have a knock-on health or wellbeing effect. Whilst you lie comfortably fully clothed with shoes off, using one of your muscles, generally the anterior deltoid (your forearm) I will gently hold your forearm and ask your body a series of specific yes-no questions. For ‘yes’ the arm instinctively remains locked and upright, and for ‘no’ the body shows a ‘stressor’ by naturally unlocking the arm to drop down or its movement to feel spongey. In this manner I can read your body’s bio-muscle feedback, and be guided to the root of an issue, as well as the specific corrections requested by your body in order to heal the issue or goal in question. I also practice this modality effectively and efficiently via video-conference call, as I am tuning into your bio-energy field, not your physical body during the session.

+ WHAT HAPPENS IN SESSION? (Natural Bioenergetics / Health Kinesiology)

I will start the session by checking your body is in balance (via muscle testing) and ensure I have its energy permission to work with you. I will then execute effective ‘detective work’ to identify the imbalances that need addressing. Please note that as life circumstances change week on week, your body's energy can also. I will therefore double-check at the start and end of each session if anything additional needs to be considered for this or ahead of the following session. Muscle testing can be used to ascertain if an issue is connected to a particular organ, muscle, gland, energy pathway, nutrition, lifetyle situation, or other factor(s).

+ Cancellation policy

Unfortunately, I do have to charge in full for appointments missed or cancelled for any reason unless you can provide 48 hours (2 full days) prior notice. Thank you for your understanding.